So by now you may be wondering what’s up with the persimmon thing?
Several years ago when we bought our house, we were happy to see two
mature pecan trees on the property. We also saw a mature persimmon
tree. We had never touched, much less eaten, a persimmon and had no
idea what to do with one, never mind an entire tree full of them. We
talked with the neighbors about it, read online, and drove around town
looking for another one; turns out we have one of two in our small
town. It also seems that nobody knows how to cook with them.
Fortunately, our next door neighbor, who built his house at the same
time ours was built, right after WWII, told us how good they were frozen
and eaten like sorbet. He was kind enough to tell us that our tree was
a Hachiya and that we should never eat the persimmons before they
resembled round orange sacks of jelly. Really? Turns out that was the
absolute truth! We spent the first few years harvesting ripe persimmons
and freezing them, thawing on occasion for a sweet treat. One year I
made persimmon-pecan bread—-yummo! I even tried persimmon-pumpkin
pie—-not so good. We made sure our elderly neighbor got his choice of
the persimmons each and every year until he moved.
So this year I was reading online again and came across people
discussing drying sliced persimmons and discussing making Hoshi Gaki, a
Japanese dried-persimmon. I was hooked! We tried drying some sliced
and not-quite-ripe specimans several days ago in the food dehydrator.
It is like eating candy! I love it! We also have hung several
persimmons and are drying them in the Hoshi Gaki method. I’ll get a
picture up in a few days. The tree is almost ready for a fruit harvest
and usually the persimmons are all ripe within a few days, so we will
dry what we can in the dehydrator, freeze a few, and hang the rest up to
make Hoshi Gaki.