Sunday, September 30, 2012

Baked Falafel Patty

I started a blog on tumblr last week and now that I am looking at it, am disappointed that the comments section is reliant on a 3rd party and is not built into the program.  So I am going to try doing the same kind of thing here on Blogger.

The picture about is of my lunch a couple of weeks ago.  It is a baked falafel patty with hummus spread on it, then cucumber slices and tomatoes.  Yummy!  I am going to be talking about the plant-based foods that my family eats, showing pictures of some of it, and doing it all on a fairly small budget.

I started a food blog to be a part of Vegan Month of Food.  I am not really vegan, but my food choices fall under that category, so I wanted to see if I could post 20 times about vegan food for the month of October.  I will keep posting on tumblr since my rss feed for that site has been published in conjunction with the Vegan MOFO, but I will put the blog posts up over here, too.  Vegan MOFO is hosted by Post Punk Kitchen as their take-off on NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month.  Vegan MOFO participants will be writing all month about vegan cooking.  Fun!

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